Happy Valentines Day!
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Happy Valentines Day!
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From Dr. Phantasm
"This book is amazing. Its 572 pages of Spook Show information. The book was released by Abbott's Magic and is photo filled. There have not been many books written on the MIDNIGHT SPOOK SHOW but this one covers a large chunk of it. Don't let the name mislead you. Target: Midnight was what Abbotts called any trick destined for the Midnight Spookshow market. The book is full of photos from the Spookshow era and also has a section on Spookshows happening today. I highly recommend this book."
From Jeff McBride
The best (Strait) Jacket is the Abbott's Jacket. That is the one we use. Email my friend Greg Bordner - He can get you the information you need
From Tim J. Goswick
Hello Greg,I received the dove through the glass illusion today ,and I'm very pleased with the product hardwood construction and it works perfectly, I owned and performed this effect in the mid-70s,but I actually think this new version is even better than the old one. Thank you and keep up the good work.
From Herman Carr
Greg: Received book today (Abbotts Compendium). WOW WHAT A BOOK. That will give me something to read this winter. If not before. Thanks
From Martin Jones - Shrewsbury, UK
Hi Greg, I just thought I’d let you know that the box arrived safe and well at it’s new UK home yesterday….I ‘killed’ with it this morning! I am so pleased with the box, it’s quality and what I can do using the unique method it uses (I just beamed from ear to ear when I saw the method!).A delightful effect, thank you so much for getting it to me! Regards,
From Carroll Hovland
Hi Greg, I am very pleased with every single item you sent! I knew I would be happy with the Mammoth Silk and am quite pleasantly surprised at how nice the dark red 12 inch silks and the 9 inch "wand" silks turned out. Please tell Karin for me that she did a wonderful job on this special order! I don't say this lightly as I am usually pretty particular about what I want. She really knows her stuff, doesn't she! You are lucky to have her. And I am lucky to now know who to ask if I ever have another silk dyeing request. (By the way, thank you for sending the extra 9 inch "wand" silks.)
From Rocky Clements
Greg, Thanks for a wonderful compilation of great Abbott spook magic. It truly is a must for anyone interested in the history or performance of such material, and a perfect product to come out of an old black building with skeletons on the front! Hope all is well in Colon.
From Will Holden
Greg, I've done business with your company since 1975. I always prefer your craftsmanship over your competitors in that time. You were able to take a worn out homemade mini zig-zag and build a professional one in it's place. I've always have had great reception to this prop which was why it was worn out to begin with. I wish you the same as you put it on the market. I have some other ideas that might sell for you so I'll try to get down some time to see you and maybe even have another prototype to play with. Thanks again for a great job and may this year be a blessing.
From Flip Nehrt
Received the slates yesterday. Fantastic service, getting an out-of-stock item to me in record time. This is the first time I've come across and ordered from Abbott's website. However, when I got into magic some 45 years ago, Abbott's was basically the ONLY place for magic - I still remember the 1 1/2 inch thick catalog (or maybe I just remember it that way, as a youth). Anyway, I will reiterate. Fantastic service, getting an out-of-stock item to me in record time. Saved my New Years plans. Thanks so much.
From Jeff Boren
got my Vapr yesterday and it is WAY more exciting than I anticipated. One of the best products I've ever purchased. I can't wait for my next show to plug it in and use it. I am also surprised how easy it really is to use. So many times, the promo videos make things look easier than they are but this is simple and well thought out. You have added to my list of blessings to count this Thanksgiving Day.
From Derek Kennedy
Hey Greg... Derek Kennedy here from Ft Worth Texas (Les Bartons friend).
I just wanted to thank for a couple of things. First being a Magic Shop owner myself I know how hard it is to "Host" events (while you are open for business) like you did this past May for the Magic Collectors Weekend, so thanks to you and your staff for making it a really fun time!!! Also for going out of your way to help locate the Instructions for the Spirit Paintings!!! Now it makes sense. Again I really do appreciate it. This was only the 2nd time I had been to Abbotts, the first was 30 years ago for the 1985 Get Together. And that year I was lucky enough to have been part of Abb Dickson's "Kitchen Act". 30 years is a long time, I had just opened my Shop in February of 85 and I am not sure how I could get away long enough to drive up and back from Texas!! Being a long (longer than me) time shop owner you would understand that more than most would. But wow, things have change in the last 30 year...we are in a unique business, the Magic business is not quite what it once was.
Anyway I enjoyed myself so much with being in Marshal and visiting Abbotts, (this past May) that I and my other half (Kathy) have registered for this years Get Together.....I figured that I had better not wait another 30 years before coming back!!!
Again thanks for all and looking forward to a fun time in a couple of weeks!!!
Best to you...
From Marty Hahne
Hi Greg: I'm loving my new Mutilated Parasol that I bought during the Get-Together! Thanks to all of you at Abbott's for the excellent quality--what a great piece of magic!
From Allan Karasavas
Dear Greg, The Eight Foot Jet Set arrived on my doorstep this morning. It is magnificent! What a clever design - it folds down to nothing but looks HUGE. I am really amazed at the stability of the Jet Set. You do have to be careful to steady it while putting the curtain over the stand, but once it's up, it is very stable, It only takes ONE PERSON around ONE MINUTE to put up. The stand fits perfectly into my Gator speaker stand case, so it hasn't really added any volume to what I already carry. I am very pleased, Greg. Thank you once again for having the red/black curtain made up - it was well worth the slight wait - and also for your excellent and courteous service. Regards,
From Mitchell Leary
I got this book in the mail last night and feel like I owe Abbotts some more money. You get a LOT of magic for your money here. Individually these tricks, illusions and effects would have cost you hundreds of dollars. Abbotts is using a print on demand service so you get a REAL BOOK, not some plastic comb binding other dealers use. I can't say enough good things about Dark Secrets, I hope Abbotts does more of these projects. At $25 this book could easily have sold for three times the price and still been a bargain!
From Rajah
Hi Greg, received with thanks the floating light bulb. Now I understand the Abbott magic quality, I like the product very much and will surely order more from you. Regards from India,
From Rick Allen
Got my copy of Dark Matter Secrets on Monday (Ordered on Friday) What a trip down memory lane for me. I actually used the plans for the Burning Alive, Spider Girl and Headless Women back in the late 60's. It's a great book, thanks Greg Bordner.
From Scott Swayze
I have a library of over 4,000 books on magic and I feel qualified to state that it's simply the best Halloween resource of genuine Halloween magic secrets ever published...and you can quote me on that.
From Pastor Roloff
Just got the Den-O-Zen and wow...what a nice job! It really looks great and if the paint scheme you did for me isn't now the standard for this trick...it should be. Again, thanks and nice job.
From Keith Stickley
In a world where the "good stuff" is hidden in obscure pamphlets and magazines long forgotten, Dark Matter Secrets stands out as a real treasure. This book contains literally hundreds of usable pieces of magic you aren't likely to find on your own - all in one volume. The magic imps at Abbott's combed through their vaults in search of some of the best releases from their nearly 80 years in business, re-type set most of it, and put it in this beautiful volume. From close-up bizarre magic, to major stage illusions, it's all here. It's about time someone puts a QUALITY product on ink and paper for professionals and hobbyists alike. If "Halloween" and "spooky" is your thing, you are going to LOVE this book from Abbott's!
From Bill Blagg
Just received my Mail Bag and wanted to say GREAT JOB! The construction is top notch! Great quality and I couldn't be happier! Thanks Abbott's!!
From Bryan Brusselback
Abbotts Dove in Balloon has gone over big in all of my shows. Has been in my show from 1973 and I will not take it out.
From Larry Lanning
I recently bought the Crystal Botania from Abbotts. It is very well made stage production. Unlike other Botania you can show all sides and crystal sides gives it an air of mystery. Flowers are great & beautiful. Very good professionally made.
From David Charvet
Suckerette is great! I will never forget the first magician I saw as a kid growing up in Seattle in the 1970's: Harvey Long and Maxine. The opening of his show featured a series of fast dove productions, culminating with them being placed in a box that was taken apart piece-by-piece, transforming into a huge rabbit, "George." The effect completely fooled me. I later found out it was Abbott's "Suckerette". Abbotts has made this prop almost since the beginning of the company in 1934 and it is still, in my opinion, the CLEANEST livestock vanish/transformation you can buy. The method is ingenious and can be worked anywhere. No wonder Harvey and Maxine kept it in their show for over 30 years. Once you own it, you will too!
From Bryan Brusselback
Abbott's Super X Levitation is a must for everyone. I have done this every where even on the beach. if you have to do a show with a big illusion this is for you. I have been do it since 1973.
From Scott McFall
I performed Gigantic Garden of Flowers for several years. Selling it a few years back was the dumbest thing I ever did. The audience reaction to this trick is amazing. I foolishly wanted something new in my family show in the spot within the routine. Major error. The size of the flowers alone blows the audience away.
From Steve Gillham
I order this (Abbott's 12' Rainbow Streamer) from seeing the video with the 12 footer planning to use it with the magic teapot effect.
I called Greg and asked if the 24' would fit in a 16 oz size load chamber. After being told that it would I placed my order. Delivery was great and the product is outstanding. Quality is perfect. This silk is absolutely great! I couldn't be happier. The video does not do this justice. I would give the beauty of the silk a 10+. Service and help was a 10. Great company to do business with. Thanks,
From Steve Chezaday
Nothing Like it Anywhere Else (Abbotts Get Together)! The little town of Colon is my home away from home. Once you attend your first Magic Get-Together ... you'll be back for more! I've been going for over 30 years now ... and it's like no other convention on the planet! Trust me and pack your bags ... Camp Colon is calling you!
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Abbott's Magic Shop
124 St. Joseph Street Colon MI 49040